Mike Shinnick on Finding the Best Valuations

Feb. 16, 2010 10:39 AM ETJNJ, MDT, STJ, ZOLL, NE, VAL, RIG, DO, L, BWP, PAA, ENB, CNA, ALL, XOM2 Comments
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Benjamin Shepherd

Although this newsletter focuses primarily on long investment ideas, short positions can boost profits in both bull and bear markets. And after last year’s market rally more investors are looking for short ideas. For this month’s interview we sat down with Mike Shinnick, portfolio manager of Wasatch-1st Source Long/Short (FMLSX), whose adept management of long and short positions ranks the fund in the top 7 percent of Morningstar’s Long-Short category.

You take a value-approach when constructing the fund’s long portfolio. In which sectors are you finding the best valuations?

Health care is somewhat of a contrarian play. Although these companies are executing well, multiples have contracted because of concerns about health care reimbursements and legislative change.

But demand for health care remains strong--it was just a question of which business models would be able to maintain prices or at least benefit from increased volumes. Our strategy targeted companies with strong businesses whose stocks traded at a discount and niche names that would grow regardless of developments at the macro level.

We took advantage of opportunities to buy some of the more established names that resemble consumer staples.

Along these lines, we’ve owned Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) for a few years and bought shares of Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) in the third quarter of 2009. Medtronic is a high-quality company with a strong balance sheet and good business model. Its growth rate has slowed, but it’s a great buy whenever it trades at less than a market multiple. And both stocks offer decent dividend yields.

That’s also the story with St. Jude Medical (NYSE: STJ), which we bought after the stock got roughed up because the top line was off a bit. That didn’t faze us--there’s real demand for the company’s cardiovascular products.

One niche health care name that we like

This article was written by

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Benjamin Shepherd, editor of Louis Rukeyser’s Mutual Funds and Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street (http://www.rukeyser.com), focuses on time-tested mutual fund managers and investment strategies which have proven themselves in both bull and bear markets. He and his team spend hours every month discussing the state of the global economy and the markets with many of the best known and well-respected money managers in the industry. They then distill that wisdom and their own analysis into twelve pages of actionable advice geared towards generating returns while preserving capital for both mutual fund and stock investors. Mr. Shepherd is also associate editor of Personal Finance (http://www.pfnewsletter.com), one of the world’s most widely-read investment newsletters, contributing his knowledge of the mutual fund industry to the newsletter's ongoing commentary.

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