Decoupling During a Downturn Difficult To Predict

Nov. 26, 2007 4:59 AM ETEFA, EEM, SPEM, VWO5 Comments
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Roger Nusbaum

I am reading more and more commentary that says the decoupling idea - that is, that emerging markets would be immune from a recession/bear market in the U.S. - will not pan out, and that these countries will go down right along with the U.S.

I don't think it is as simple as decoupling will work versus decoupling won't work.

The equity market in China is in the middle of a decline of some magnitude. The decline plays no role in the crane count in China. The building and infrastructure modernization will continue if we do in fact have a bear market. I don't know if this continued spending will help stocks or not, but the underlying fundamentals could stay very healthy.

As we look at different countries, they each have their thing (or things) that make them tick. During a U.S. event some of these places will hold up just fine.

The story in Vietnam seems like a candidate for ongoing health, a type of place I have previously described at being in its own world.

During the big bear market at the start of this decade, Australia was able to pull away and recover much faster than most other markets. That is the thing to this entire issue. There will be some markets that weather a U.S. downturn better than others. While this is obvious, it is also true.

Which countries will be the ones? I mentioned that Australia worked on the last go around. Norway not so much last time, but if oil stays high (above $80?) it might be a candidate. Norway obviously is a surplus country.

What about another fave of mine, Iceland, which is a deficit country? A reason to think not, is the extent to which its banks participate in the global financial scene. Part of the

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Roger Nusbaum is the ETF Strategist for AdvisorShares. This Arizona-based professional has over 25 years of industry experience. He is also a well-known financial commentator covering ETFs, retirement planning and portfolio management for and at We think Roger is particularly insightful on exchange-traded funds, risk management and investing in international markets. Visit Roger's work at TheMaven ( and AlphaBaskets (

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