Ranking the Candidates' Alt Energy Support: Congressman Ron Paul

May 08, 2007 9:39 AM ET23 Comments
Konrad Imielinski profile picture
Konrad Imielinski

Over the next ten days, I will be ranking ten of the Republican Presidential candidates on their alternative energy positions -- to figure out which candidate is the best to “cure our addiction to oil.”


Congressman Ron Paul (R - TX)

Ron Paul has the least favorable position on alternative energy. He believes the American economy will continue to depend on oil in the foreseeable future. He is putting alternative energy on the back burner, and instead focusing on increasing the number of domestic refineries. Just recently, he voted Yes for the Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act.

Paul has opposed every bill supporting alternative energy investment:

• Voted NO for the Clean Energy Act of 2007 - To reduce our Nation's dependency on foreign oil by investing in clean, renewable, and alternative energy resources, promoting new emerging energy technologies, developing greater efficiency, and creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewable Reserve to invest in alternative energy (01/18/2007)

Ron Paul 08 05 2007

• Voted NO for the Energy Policy Act of 2005 – To develop an energy policy that addresses tax incentives, conservation strategies, regulatory standards, research and development programs, energy efficiency, and alternative sources of energy (07/28/2005)

• Voted NO for the Energy Omnibus bill - To enhance energy conservation and research and development, to provide for security and diversity in the energy supply for the American people (06/15/2004)

• Voted NO for the Securing America's Future Energy [SAFE] Act of 2001 - To enhance energy conservation, research and development and to provide for security and diversity in the energy supply for the American people (08/02/2001)

The problem is that Ron Paul has a tendency to vote against proposals for government spending, initiatives, and/or taxes. Could any progress be made in the alternative energy field without any of the three?

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Konrad Imielinski runs GoG2G - Go Green to Green (http://gog2g.com/), a blog that covers the oil and alternative energy markets. Visit his blog: GoG2G (http://gog2g.com/)

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