Interview: Joe Ponzio, Hedge Fund Manager

Sep. 01, 2009 3:02 AM ET4 Comments
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Miguel Barbosa

I’m pleased to announce our first interview. Today, we talk with Joe Ponzio, founder of MBG Funds, F Wall St (blog and book), & The Meridian Business Group. Joe has managed to outperform the market during a period of extreme turmoil and dislocation. Joe’s mission is simple, to prevent the little guy from getting screwed by Wall St. Joe makes no apologies for saying things as he sees them and has successfully practiced value investing for over a decade.

Miguel: Thank you for joining us. We’re delighted to have you.

Joe Ponzio: I am ecstatic to be doing this interview with you. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Q. Joe, you have a pretty interesting story, when did you first become interested in allocating capital?
A. I stumbled into it at an early age. In college, I changed majors from medicine to a path that would lead me to teaching. Realizing that I would be taking a major cut in pay, I began learning how to save and invest. From when I picked up my first book on investing, I was hooked. I began reading two to three books a week, and I couldn’t get enough of it. After graduating college, I landed my first investment sales job. As unhappy as I was at that firm, I knew that capital allocation would be my passion and future.

Q. What motivated you to start your own business, The Meridian Business Group?
A. I always wanted to help “regular” people with their investments. After spending time at and resigning from two different firms, I realized that I could only pursue that passion and work at my “ideal” firm if I created it. I think that most people have dreams of starting their own businesses. I was young and free enough to take the leap of faith at the

This article was written by

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Miguel Barbosa is founder & editor of (, a blog dedicated toward providing "enriching ideas for intelligent investors." Miguel Barbosa received his Bachelor degree in liberal arts and sciences from the University of Florida. He also holds a Masters of Science in Management and a Masters of Arts in International Business. Currently, he is working on obtaining his series 7 and 63 licenses as well as his CFA designation.

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