TARPless Tuesday: Wells Fargo Joins the Exodus

Dec. 15, 2009 10:32 AM ET, , , 6 Comments
Philip Davis

Wells Fargo (WFC) is repaying their $25Bn TARP loan.

That makes WFC the last of the big boys to be done with the emergency loan program, just one year after it started. At this point $161Bn of the $245Bn lent out will be repaid, with WFC raising $10.4Bn in a stock sale to get out from under the government’s thumb - just in time to pay out the Christmas bonuses. I won’t go off on a rant about how stupid it is for the banks to borrow and dilute in order to pay big bonuses and further punish shareholders by reducing earnings - it won’t matter anyway, any bank but Citi (C) that announces they are done with TARP gets a nice boost as it indicates they can go back to raping and pillaging as usual in 2010.

It’s good that we can label this bailout a success because that way Congress won’t waste time approving the next one in March when Commercial Real Estate fails (oops, that’s supposed to be a secret). The banks were anxious to get out from under Government oversight as soon as their pay practices were called into question. Perhaps WFC was the last to pay us back as they "only" have 62 employees who got bonuses over $1M last year with just 7 employees putting more than $3M in bonus money under the tree. That’s nothing compared to C, which had 738 employees who would consider anything less than $1M a pay cut, and you would think Goldman (GS) would be the leader with 983 Million-Dollar bonus babies last year, but they've got nothing on JPMorgan (JPM), where 1,626 Employees got 7-figure bonus checks.

Of course, GS beats JPM on a bonus per employee basis by a wide margin but that’s because JPM actually does

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Philip R. Davis is a highly respected options trader, entrepreneur, and founder of philstockworld.com, one of the most influential stock and options trading sites on the web. With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, Mr. Davis has earned a reputation as a trusted authority on options trading, equities, and macroeconomic trends. As the creator of Phil's Stock World, Mr. Davis has built a vibrant community of traders and investors of all levels, providing them with unparalleled insights, analysis, and trading ideas. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Phil's Stock World offers valuable resources that can help you navigate the complexities of the financial markets and achieve your investment goals. With a unique approach to teaching the art of options trading, Mr. Davis and his team of expert contributors including Optrader, Sabrient, Income Trader, Trend Trader, and Warren the Trader AI provide members with live chat sessions during trading hours, real-time trade alerts, and in-depth technical and fundamental analysis of hundreds of stocks. In addition to his role as an options trader and financial guru, Mr. Davis is a serial entrepreneur and founder of several successful companies, including Accu-Title, a real estate title insurance software solution, and Personality Plus, a precursor to eHarmony.com. He is also the President of Delphi Consulting Corp., an M&A consulting firm that helps companies of all sizes obtain funding and close deals. With his unique blend of wit, humor, and financial acumen, Mr. Davis is a sought-after speaker on options trading and financial markets. His writing style is both entertaining and informative, providing readers with specific and actionable trade ideas, as well as deep insights into the macroeconomic forces that drive market trends. In short, if you're looking for a trusted and experienced options trader and financial expert, Philip R. Davis is the real deal. Join the growing community of traders and investors at Phil's Stock World, and start profiting from his insights and analysis today.

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