As an experienced financial advisor, you are likely aware that your existing customers are one of your most valuable assets. That is why financial advisor-client engagement strategies are vitally important. Not only just for the referrals your clients might share, but also for cross-selling your financial services and products to them. Once you have client-engagement, you don't want to lose it. Unfortunately, many financial advisors make the grave mistake of letting this happen.
Fortunately, it is possible to learn how to actively reengage your customers and set yourself apart from the competition. In addition to bringing you more business, it will help you solidify positive working relationships with your current clients. If this sounds like your situation, keep reading - here are a few tips to help you effectively engage or reengage with your clients.
"Happy Birthday to You….!"
Everyone likes being remembered on their birthday. This provides an easy opportunity for engagement and will set you apart from the businesses who fail to reach out. If you do not have your customers' birthdays on file, do a little research and add them to your calendar or preferably your CRM. From there, set an automatic reminder to ensure you never miss an opportunity. The fastest and most efficient way to reach out is to send them a birthday email. However, if you have some long-term clients or others that you are particularly fond of, you can always send a physical card in the mail. Trust us, they will appreciate the sentiment.
Everyone has an opinion
Unfortunately, far too many businesses make the mistake of undervaluing the importance of customer feedback. This is a shame because nothing makes a customer feel more valued and important to a business than knowing their opinion is valued. The questions you ask could apply to the