The Complete Failure of Owners' Equivalent Rent

Aug. 15, 2008 3:14 AM ET8 Comments
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Tim Iacono

It has been noted here on many occasions previously that future historians will have a field day when assessing economic activity during the last few decades. Nowhere will the puzzlement be more profound than when they turn to the measure of home ownership costs in the government's inflation statistics - owners' equivalent rent.

As shown above, there is nothing "equivalent" about the price of housing and how home ownership costs are represented in the consumer price index.

For those not familiar with the history, it can be summarized as follows:

In 1983, after an era of soaring inflation and the biggest housing boom and bust since World War II, estimated rental costs were substituted for such sensible measures like mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance in the "official" government measure of inflation.

Since then, the rising cost of home ownership has been barely noticeable in the cost of living (at least the way the government measures it), much to the benefit of the pencil pushers in Washington who are rewarded with lower cost increases for payments indexed to consumer prices - little things like social security.

None of this mattered much until after the internet bubble went bust and the Greenspan Fed started looking for a new bubble to inflate. Fast forward to today and it's clear to see how distorted the reporting of consumer prices became in the new decade.

Substituting the Case-Shiller Home Price Index for owners' equivalent rent shows the following divergent measures of inflation, where the "pedal to the metal" one or two percent short-term rates from 2002 to early-2005 look, ahem, "inappropriate" at best.

Even more surprising, when factoring in today's plunging home prices, the annual rate of inflation, reported at a 17-year high of 5.7 percent yesterday, recently dipped into negative territory and currently stands at less than one

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Tim Iacono is the founder of the investment website 'Iacono Research', a subscription service providing market commentary and investment advisory services specializing in natural resources. He also writes a financial blog known as 'The Mess That Greenspan Made', a sometimes irreverent look at the many and varied after-effects of the Greenspan term at the Federal Reserve. Use the links below to visit Tim's website/blog.

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