The New Retirement – Big Pill To Swallow!

Feb. 11, 2017 11:42 AM ET, , , , , , , , ,
Chris Vermeulen's Blog
Please Note: Blog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors.

President Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States to preside over the largest debt collapse ever in U.S. history. During this four-year term, he and his administration will be most feared and hated president there ever was. The odds are stacked high against his ideology of "Making America Great Again" during his term in office.

Debt deflation is a concept that was first introduced in 1933 by the economist Irving Fisher. Debt deflation is a concept whereby the combination of high levels of debt and falling prices cause a downward spiral in the economy. When there is deflation in an economy, those who are in debt become significantly worse off financially. Deflation causes prices and wages to fall and the value of money to rise which increases the real value of debts thereby causing it to become more difficult for people to pay off their debts, i.e.: people holding mortgages would be forced into selling their homes. However, the selling of assets only served to worsen the situation by causing prices to fall even further - creating more deflation. This affects all those people who are in debt and the cycle repeats itself exponentially. Hence, the beginning of the "Next Great Reset of 2017-2020" which should start June/July of this year.

As many Americans enter retirement, they are realizing one unfortunate fact. The fact is that the new retirement plan means no retirement, at all, and is called the Retirement Myth.

One of the promises of the American Dream was the idea of a comfortable retirement, however, this will NOT materialize due to financial swindling and a real estate bubble. Most Americans have incurred massive debt and have consumed their future nest egg by making purchases beyond their budgets and are living beyond their means. We are now left with over 75,000,000 'baby boomers' which a large portion of them are entering retirement with very little and/or no savings. DEBT has enslaved them!

The stock market collapse of 2008 resulted from a class of "subprime mortgage bonds" going into default. Today, the triggers for our financial crisis in the U.S. are still there to cause a hiccup in a Treasury bond auction, trouble in the settlements of derivatives contracts held by major banks or default on leveraged finance loans or high-yield junk bonds. Apparently, we cannot live without debt as it has become the American Way! Your next pension check or social security check could soon be cut back or eliminated altogether, regardless of legal government guarantees. A loss such as this could be both debilitating and devastating for retirees. Global Central Banks have destroyed the financial markets.

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Chris Vermeulen

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