Now's the Time to Buy Something

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Jack Miller

...(I received an) email complaint about my being a broken record in regard to the airlines. It noted that I recommended these stocks at much higher prices and recommended doubling-up half-way down. What can I say? I did recommend the stocks again and again and I still do. I have strongly recommended Continental (CAL) since it was trading around $6 per share in 2002. CAL just reported an amazing quarter (Call Transcript). With oil prices at ridiculously unsustainable levels, the company added about $500 million dollars to its net cash position! How much will it add when oil prices are down?

One of the reasons I write about the airlines so much is because the boom in international travel (still is in its infancy) is part and parcel to this new wonderful economic age that we have entered. A new age that is being totally mis-characterized by left leaning media.

The attitude of the left reflects the short term concerns of the average man, who does not "see the big picture". The huge run up in commodity prices, that is seen as a super negative each time we visit a gas pump, is actually the result of a world wide increase in prosperity. A temporary economic slow down and a temporary time of limited capacity are each masking the long term trend.

Jim O'Neil posted an article at a day or two ago that you should read. He reports that a Goldman Sachs study shows the world is currently adding 70 million people per year to the middle class. The study suggests that the number will increase to 90 million per year for the next 20 years! From the selfish point of view, these 1.4 billion people being lifted out of poverty will become customers for every thing from

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At 12 years of age, my Dad helped me learn about investing. At 13, I lost money when a broker pushed me to buy what he liked. I was heartbroken and decided that I would like to help other people make money. Together, we have enjoyed success in stocks, bonds and real estate. Daily study of what the "money masters" recommend helps me fine tune my investment strategies. Interestingly, it is easy to make good investment returns while it is easy to see why most people do poorly. Unfortunately, the company that sells a financial product often has an inherent conflict of interest with the buyer. Investors need investment knowledge but most of all they need a trustworthy person who is willing to help.

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